Worship Ministries

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There are many opportunities for lay participation in worship. Don’t let the names worry you. They define both what the ministry is and the limits of what it is or is not.

Acolytes assist with several jobs. The Crucifer carries the Processional Cross and is responsible for lighting and extinguishing the Altar candles. The Torch Bearers carry the Processional Torches. The Gospel Book Bearer carries the Gospel Book.

Ushers help people get seated, count the number present (so the celebrant knows how many people to expect for Communion), bring up the bread and wine, collect the offering, and direct traffic during Communion. The job is easier with several people sharing the work.

Lectors read the first two lessons, usually one from the Old Testament (Hebrew scripture) and one from the New Testament (Christian scripture).

Intercessors lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed to help distribute communion. This usually means serving as Chalice Bearer, bringing the wine to the rail behind the Celebrant.

Eucharistic Visitors are licensed to bring Communion directly from a primary worship service Sunday morning to those who are home-bound, hospitalized, or otherwise prevented from attending services. It is one way to include our sick and shut-ins in the Eucharist.

Licensed Worship Leaders are specially trained and licensed to lead a service of public worship. At St. Patrick’s this usually means leading Morning Prayer the weekend of Diocesan Council and Evening Prayer or Stations of the Cross during Lent. Other opportunities do occasionally arise.

If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries, please contact the church office or talk with our senior Verger, Danny Meaders, after the service on Sunday.

Service Ministries

The Wolfe Trust

The Wolfe Trust provides funding to assist with utilities, rental assistance, and other needs in our community.

Long Beach Food Pantry

The Long Beach Food Pantry has reopened on Johnson Road in the Industrial Park in Long Beach. We support this community ministry (sponsored by First Baptist Church in Long Beach) by a monthly offering collected on the 1st Sunday of each month.

Christmas Families

Each year St. Patrick’s adopts a number of families to assist at Christmas time. A list of gifts desired, as well as clothing sizes and basic needs, are posted at Sunday services. Members of the Parish contribute money, clothing, and gifts. Call the church office if you have any questions.